Tuesday, January 21, 2014

HTML Enhanced Applications Using Angular JavaScript:

This article contains the matter about why to use ANGULAR-JAVA SCRIPT in your application in place of other frameworks.  It contains features and the unique qualities of ANGULAR JAVA SCRIPT through which you can easily make a better application.

You can take basic details from my last article about ANGULAR JAVA SCRIPT, 

We know that HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it does not do well for declaring dynamic views in web applications. Angular JavaScript allows you to extend HTML tags, features and vocabulary for your….




Data Binding:
Data binding is an automatic way of performing operations of DBMS, generally updating. Whenever
the model changes it performs some set of operations to modify applications.
In short it changes with the change in view of application. this is also awesome because it directly eliminates the DOM manipulation from the list of things you have to threaten about.

CONTROLLERS in ANGULAR JAVA SCRIPT are the behavior behind the DOM elements. ANGULAR JAVA SCRIPT allows you to express the behavior in a clean readable, understandable and flexible form without the usual boilerplate of updating DOM, registering callbacks or watching model changes.

Plain JavaScript:
Unlike other frameworks, there is no need to inherit from proprietary types in order to wrap the model in accesses methods.
ANGULAR JAVA SCRIPT models are plain old JavaScript objects. This provides  your application code these wonderful features-

- Flexibility
- Robustness
- Testable
- Maintainable
- Reusable
- Free from Boilerplate
In dependency

Drawing A Back end:

Deep Linking:

 A deep link effects where the user is in the application, this is useful so users can bookmark and email links to locations within apps. Round trip applications get this feature automatically through code.
 But in case of AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript & XML) applications this feature is unavailable. ANGULAR JAVASCRIPT joins the benefits and functionalities of deep link with desktop application like behavior.

Form Validation:

 Form validation is most useful thing in current scenario. It is used in each and every type of applications, website etc. where we do use form functionality. It provides these features-

 - Authentication

 - Authorization

 - integrity

Validation can be at both client and server side but Client side form validation Is an important part of great user experience. ANGULAR JAVASCRIPT allows you to declare the validation rules of the form without having to write a long JAVASCRIPT code.

Server Communication: 

ANGULAR JAVASCRIPT provides built in services on top of the XHR as well as various other back ends using third party libraries. It confirms simplifying your code by handling asynchronous return of data. 


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